A detailed resource list on RHCs and deinstitutionalization in Washington State.
Read MoreThe Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, The Arc of Washington State and Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL) have created a campaign to help people understand and participate in potential changes coming to their Medicaid services. We have a new webpage and series of videos dedicated to sharing information.
Read MoreA new 2024 report highlights challenges and solutions for people in Washington with both developmental disabilities and behavioral health needs.
Read MoreShare your voice! Take the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council's survey by July 21, 2025, to help shape a 5-Year State Plan that addresses barriers and improves services for people with IDD, their families, and communities across Washington.
Read MoreInforming Families is hiring for a new coordinator to join their team! They are seeking an Informing Families Coordinator located in the Northeast corner of Washington State (Ferry, Stevens, Lincoln, and Pend Oreille counties) to provide Informing Families resources and Life Course Planning tools to families in both online and local community settings.
Read MoreThe Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council is initiating this Request for Qualifications and Quotes to solicit proposals from those interested in participating in a project to create a statewide behavioral health and developmental disabilities conference that brings together subject matter experts, stakeholders and other resources to focus on and plan around this topic.
Read MoreOffshootz LLC partnered with WADDC to deliver DEI training, consultation, and resources from March to September 2024. Key outcomes include tools to support ongoing DEI efforts and strategies for fostering inclusivity.
Read MoreThe next rounds of the Dan Thompson Account fund are on hold as the Department of Social and Health Services manages transitions within state government. We will provide updates as we receive them.
Read MoreWashington State DSHS’ Developmental Disabilities Administration has received the 2024 Cathy Anderson Award for its Dan Thompson Memorial Account, recognizing innovative public-private partnerships that enhance services for people with developmental disabilities.
Read MoreThe Arc of Washington and The Developmental Disability Council are inviting you to the Annual Legislative Notebook Meeting on December 2nd, 2025. This is an opportunity to hear about important issues for the 2025 Legislative Session that impact individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. You will also hear from key legislators about their perspectives on the session and what to expect.
Read MoreCheck out this guide created by Snohomish County Health Department to help increase and improve public health communication and supports with our IDD community members. This project was funded, in part by our federal partner, the Administration on Community Living. The guide has the potential to help other public health systems improve how they serve our community on a daily and emergency basis.
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